Friday, June 10, 2011

Une catastrophe by Jean-Luc Godard

Une catastrophe, Jean-Luc Godard's trailer for the 2008 Viennale.

Entitled Une catastrophe, the film is a kind of cinematographic poem about violence and love, conceived in Godard's characteristic montage and combination of cinematic material, sounds, language and music. It includes short excerpts from Eisensteins' Battleship Potemkin (1925) and the collective film People on Sunday (1930), accompanied by a Low German 18th-century poem from Western Pomerania with the lines: Kumm du um Middernach / Kumm du Klock een / Vader slöpt / Moder slöpt / ik slap alleen. Klopp an de Kammerdör / fat an de Klink. / Vader meent / Moder meent / dat deit de Wind

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